  • 101 Merritt 7, Floor#3, Suite#50, Norwalk, CT 06851 USA
  • wise@wiseglb.com
Projects Bread


Cold Rolled Grain Oriented Electrical (Silicon) Steel Slab Projects

Cold Rolled Grain Oriented Electrical (Silicon) Steel Slab Projects

We specialize in Slab Project, which is one of our most competitive services. WGT can customize the production of Grain Oriented Electrical Steel (GO) to meet the specific requirements of its customers, from the slab stage to the finished product stage. This ensures that large quantities of bulk products are produced and delivered in the most suitable format for factory projects.

Furthermore, by sourcing raw materials in slab form and utilizing production sites that meet international standards, WGT is able to offer the most cost-effective manufacturing solutions in line with the technical specifications required by its customers.

WGT ensures that the quantity of slabs requested by the manufacturer is met, and also manages production insurance and shipment planning to minimize risk for slab projects.

Cold Rolled Grain Oriented Double - Electrical (Silicon) Steel

Cold Rolled Grain Oriented Double - Electrical (Silicon) Steel

This is an extensive R&D project that has been in progress for several years. It involves a technology that aims to produce products with significantly reduced core loss, which is essential for new technological advancements.

The process of reducing core loss results in thinner Grain Oriented Electrical Steel, but also increases stress levels, production time, and poses a risk of stacking errors.

Double Electrical Steel combines two layers of electrical steel, particularly in step lap projects, functioning as a single sheet. This results in a thicker structure with reduced loss. Despite having a thickness of approximately 0.25-0.27mm, Double Electrical Steel is designed to have core loss values between 0.55-0.70w/kgs at 1.7T/50Hz.

Upon completion of this project, it is intended to produce products with reduced core loss by utilizing less electrical steel, particularly in distribution transformers. Additionally, it offers a viable solution for testing and heat issues through its coating.

As we have done in the past, WGT's goal is to enhance the production of our partners and make them more competitive by providing them with valuable information. To achieve this, we keep a close eye on the latest technology and manufacturers of Grain Oriented Electrical Steel.

High Quality Cold Rolled Non Grain Oriented Electrical (Silicon) Steel

High Quality Cold Rolled Non Grain Oriented Electrical (Silicon) Steel

As the world becomes more energy-efficient, we strive to provide you with high-quality NGO products. To achieve this, we offer customized slit products that cater to your customer's specific needs, helping you to maximize their satisfaction.

Cold Rolled Grain Oriented Electrical Steel Production Facility

Cold Rolled Grain Oriented Electrical Steel Production Facility

WGT has extensive expertise in every aspect of international GO production, with a proven track record in the USA, EU, and China. Our capabilities include designing production facilities, defining product offerings, establishing global market presence, procuring essential machinery and software, transferring licenses and know-how from key manufacturers, and forging strategic partnerships. Our team stays ahead of the curve with their mastery of the latest technology.